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CTEC1401 Programming in C
Quick Reference
Week 20: Sorting
Week 21: Structures
Week 22: Consolidation
  1. Before the lab session read CFTTP Chapter 13 and study the solved exercises very carefully.

  2. Attempt the following unsolved exercises at the end of Chapter 13:

    • 13.1, 13.2, 13.3
    • 13.6, 13.7
    • 13.9, 13.11

  3. Supplementary Exercises

  4. cards

    Read the following program carefully and try to understand exactly what it does. Note particularly

    1. the struct typedef definition
    2. the use of the #define macro (read the comments in the code)
    3. the way that the function printCard has been written
    4. the main program and the use of for loops to generate a complete deck of cards

    #include <stdio.h>
    typedef struct { int suit;
                     int rank;
                   } CARD;
       Notice the use of #define below. For example,
       #define clubs  1
       This tells the C compiler that whenever it sees the token "clubs"
       in the program text it should be replaced by the symbol 1.
       This means that in your program you can refer to special values
       by using meaningful names for them instead of the actual numbers.
       For example the switch statements can be written
       case clubs:    which is more readable and more flexible than
       case 1 :       (meaning clubs)
       Also note that the #define (like #include) does not have a 
       semicolon ";" at the end.
    #define clubs    1
    #define diamonds 2
    #define hearts   3
    #define spades   4
    #define jack    11
    #define queen   12
    #define king    13
    #define ace     14 /* Ace is higher than a king */
    void printCard( CARD card )
         switch (card.rank)
           case ace   : printf("A "); break;
           case king  : printf("K "); break;
           case queen : printf("Q "); break;
           case jack  : printf("J "); break;
           case 10    : printf("10 ");break;
           default    : printf("%d ",card.rank);
         switch (card.suit)
          case clubs    : printf("C"); break;
          case diamonds : printf("D"); break;
          case hearts   : printf("H"); break;
          case spades   : printf("S"); break;
        CARD c;
        int s,r;
        for (s=clubs; s<=spades; s++)
            c.suit = s;
            for (r=2;r<=ace;r++)
               c.rank = r;

    1. Save the program as cards.c and compile and run the program.
    2. Modify the main program by declaring a deck of (52) cards as
          CARD deck[52];
      and then write code to fill the array with the 52 playing cards in the following order: two of clubs, two of diamonds, two of hearts, two of spades, three of clubs, three of diamonds, etc. up to ace of clubs, ace of diamonds, ace of hearts, ace of spades. Once the deck has been so prepared you should print it out (in order from 0 to 51) to check that the cards are all in the right places.
    3. Write a function:
          int sameRank( CARD c1, CARD c2)
      that returns true (1) if the input cards are of the same rank and false (0) otherwise. For example, the two of hearts and the two of clubs are of the same rank (i.e. 2) so the answer should be true. Test your function by writing code to compare all the adjacent cards in the deck you have already created. That is, compare deck[0] and deck[1]; then deck[1] and deck[2]; etc. up to deck[50] and deck[51]. Make sure you print out the result of each test.

  5. joker

    Make a copy of your cards program as joker.c. Then modify the program so that our deck of cards contains two jokers (wild cards). You will need to

    • decide how to represent jokers within the struct CARD data type;
    • modify the printCard function so that it can handle your joker cards;
    • modify the deck (array) so that it now contains 54 cards;
    • modify the main function so that the two jokers are placed at the bottom of the deck;
    • modify the sameRank function so that a joker is considered to be on the same rank as any other card.

    Once you have made these modifications you should check that your program is working correctly.

  6. league

    A sports results table (e.g. a football or hockey league table) has the following format

                          _______Home______   _______Away______
                          W   D   L   F   A   W   D   L   F   A
    Leicester_City        7   0   0  21   0   7   0   0  21   0
    Derby_Forest          6   1   0  14   5   4   1   2  13   8
    Nottingham_Wednesday  5   1   1  13   5   6   0   1  17   3
    Wimbledon_FC          4   0   3  10   7   3   3   1   9   9
    Manchester_Wanderers  3   2   2   7   6   3   1   3   6   8
    Wakefield_Albion      2   4   1   3   8   2   4   1   4   9
    Upton_Villa           1   2   4   1  12   1   3   3   3  13
    Birmingham_Rangers    0   0   7   0  22   0   0   7   0  17
        W = Won
        D = Drawn
        L = Lost
        F = Goals For
        A = Goals Against
    Write a program league.c that
    1. Defines a suitable struct type to hold the results for a single team.
    2. Declares a variable called league that will contain the all the results for a league containing eight teams.
    3. Requests the user to enter the names and results for all eight teams
    4. Prints out a league table for the league (see above for layout).
      There are three points for a win, one point for a draw and no points for a loss.
      The goal difference is given by the formula: (total goals for) − (total goals against)
    It can be tedious entering lots of textual data from the keyboard when testing a program. This program is no exception. The task can be simplified significantly by redirecting input from a text file. For example, suppose you have a text file called teamdata.txt (Feel free to use the data given here to get started).
    Leicester_City        Derby_Forest          2 0
    Leicester_City        Nottingham_Wednesday  3 2
    Leicester_City        Wimbledon_FC          2 1
    Leicester_City        Manchester_Wanderers  4 3
    Leicester_City        Wakefield_Albion      2 0
    Leicester_City        Upton_Villa           3 0
    Leicester_City        Birmingham_Rangers    5 4
    Derby_Forest          Leicester_City        1 2
    Derby_Forest          Nottingham_Wednesday  4 2
    Derby_Forest          Wimbledon_FC          3 0
    Derby_Forest          Manchester_Wanderers  0 1
    Derby_Forest          Wakefield_Albion      2 0
    Derby_Forest          Upton_Villa           1 1
    Derby_Forest          Birmingham_Rangers    2 2
    Nottingham_Wednesday  Leicester_City        0 1
    Nottingham_Wednesday  Derby_Forest          2 2
    Nottingham_Wednesday  Wimbledon_FC          0 3
    Nottingham_Wednesday  Manchester_Wanderers  1 1
    Nottingham_Wednesday  Wakefield_Albion      1 2
    Nottingham_Wednesday  Upton_Villa           3 2
    Nottingham_Wednesday  Birmingham_Rangers    1 3
    Wimbledon_FC          Leicester_City        2 5
    Wimbledon_FC          Derby_Forest          3 3
    Wimbledon_FC          Nottingham_Wednesday  3 1
    Wimbledon_FC          Manchester_Wanderers  2 2
    Wimbledon_FC          Wakefield_Albion      4 1
    Wimbledon_FC          Upton_Villa           1 0
    Wimbledon_FC          Birmingham_Rangers    1 2
    Manchester_Wanderers  Leicester_City        2 3
    Manchester_Wanderers  Derby_Forest          0 0
    Manchester_Wanderers  Nottingham_Wednesday  1 1
    Manchester_Wanderers  Wimbledon_FC          1 3
    Manchester_Wanderers  Wakefield_Albion      2 4
    Manchester_Wanderers  Upton_Villa           3 3
    Manchester_Wanderers  Birmingham_Rangers    2 2
    Wakefield_Albion      Leicester_City        0 1
    Wakefield_Albion      Derby_Forest          2 1
    Wakefield_Albion      Nottingham_Wednesday  4 3
    Wakefield_Albion      Wimbledon_FC          2 3
    Wakefield_Albion      Manchester_Wanderers  5 0
    Wakefield_Albion      Upton_Villa           2 1
    Wakefield_Albion      Birmingham_Rangers    2 4
    Upton_Villa           Leicester_City        0 3
    Upton_Villa           Derby_Forest          3 3
    Upton_Villa           Nottingham_Wednesday  3 1
    Upton_Villa           Wimbledon_FC          2 6
    Upton_Villa           Manchester_Wanderers  3 2
    Upton_Villa           Wakefield_Albion      2 1
    Upton_Villa           Birmingham_Rangers    2 3
    Birmingham_Rangers    Leicester_City        2 3
    Birmingham_Rangers    Derby_Forest          4 2
    Birmingham_Rangers    Nottingham_Wednesday  2 3
    Birmingham_Rangers    Wimbledon_FC          1 1
    Birmingham_Rangers    Manchester_Wanderers  1 1
    Birmingham_Rangers    Wakefield_Albion      0 3
    Birmingham_Rangers    Upton_Villa           0 2
    Then you can run your program and input the data from this file by entering:
    ./league < teamdata.txt