Hugh Sasse's Small Systems page

This page holds information of use to people with small systems.

The FreeDOS Project
Seems to be being actively developed (16-MAY-2001).
was known for a while as OpenDOS. This is an Unofficial OpenDOS Home Page, and there is information on's opendos page. DOS Internet Pages
is also the main[?] web site for Bobcat, which can be had by ftp from See also UKA_PPP, UKAW, NOS-BOX (News, Web, etc tools for DOS/windows). There is also Tvdog's Internet Access Archive which can be accessed by ftp at
Another small linux distro. It has spawned 0sys-3.
A Posix compliant Real Time OS with a GUI, that (I think) fits on one floppy disk (1.44MB). It is free for non-commercial use.
A modern operating system for the Commodore 64, Atari, and Apple ][ systems? Bring those "obsolete" machines back to life...
The Amaiga Minix Page.
Will run on A500 with 1MB ram, and one floppy!
TINY Linux
is a small distribution for using on old computers.
A small linux distribution intedned for embedded applications
Small Linux.
A small linux distribution (2-3 disks) from 386 machines with 3MB or ram or more.
Damn Small Linux.
Linux on a business card sized CD (50MB).
BusyBox (The old link to yields a PHP download, and is thus inaccessible (18-NOV-2002))
small versions of Unix/Linux utilites.
A small linux distribution focussing on security features.
Needs about 4MB of disk, but needs to be built on top of linux at the moment (02-OCT-2001).
Billed as "The most GNU/Linux on 1 floppy disk.", this concentrates on rescue and recovery features.
A smalll windowing system for X or for the PC.
A small, multi-platform, desktop environament. At the time fo writing (26-FEB-2003) the downloads (for the various platforms, or the multiplatform one) would fit on a 1.44MB floppy with room to spare.
An operating system rather like Plan9 but for embedded systems.
SWM - a small window manager.
SWM was written for small computer system with very little memory and small screen sizes. It was written to speed up working with laptops or even PDAs.
A Kermit program (for file transfer between many types of system) with most of the extra functionality (Terminal emulation, scripting, etc) taken out, which I think should be smaller.
goal is to encourage and facilitate the creation of open source software for use on handheld and wearable computers.
YOPY a Linux PDA from Sony.
Data Capture Handheld Ltd R.I.P..
Used to provide portable systems for data capture "in the field". Another small business bites the dust due to cash flow problems.
Omnibus Systems.
Produce timetable software for bus companies, so this is "a bit of a departure" for this page.
Mytext formerly nScribe®.
A means of text entry for mobile devices with one "key" and no touch-screen.
Nomadic Research Labs.
Results of a long obsession with mobile computing :-)
Road Warrior.
mobile phone and computing kit, accessories...
TIQIT computers.
Also have a www2 site.
MIT Wearable computing Web page.
List of sites on the Wearable Technology Net Ring
This ring does not have a home page as such.

Created on 14-DEC-2000 by Hugh Sasse

Last Modified on 20-JAN-2004 by Hugh Sasse

RCS: $Id: index.html,v 1.19 2003-12-12 19:54:47+00 hgs Exp hgs $