Hugh Sasse's list of Project Proposals

My Project Proposals.
Other People's Project Proposals.
Summers of Code.

My Project Proposals.

This page contains a list of projects that I have proposed, most of which have not been taken up. Some of these I have proposed with others, and a number of these are related to deafblindness.

Electromagnetics Related Projects

Fortran 3D TLM Modeller
TLM Performance Improvements
Wire Antenna Modelling Language.
Time Domain Reflectometry Diagnostic tool.

Software Related Projects

Agile Task Board.
Electronic Component Identification App.
Mechanical Component Identifier.
Design by Contract for the Ruby Programming Language.
XML Validator for Ruby in Ruby.
Modify Autoconf so configure can collect error messages.
A Modern Text-Based WWW browser
E-Mail Configuration Tool
Spam and UCE Victim's Assistant
Enhanced grep program
Helper for C++ programmers
Program to Display Multiple Images on a Page.
Helpdesk Software
PC to PC File transfer software - Abandoned

Deafblindness related projects.

For more information on deafblindness see or

Other People's Project Proposals.

The W3C Amaya Project's List of Project Proposals.
Peter Burden's list of project proposals at Wolverhampton has gone (10-JAN-2012).
The Unicon Language community's list of projects.
Term Project Proposals in Computer Science
from The TUNES Project.

Summers of Code.

ESA Summer of code.
Semester of Code.
Endless Vacation of Code from
Gnome 'Outreachy'.
Rails Girls Summer of Code.
Google Summer of Code.

Last Modified on 03-MAR-2015 by Hugh Sasse

RCS info: $Id: index.html,v 1.17 2015/03/03 19:11:10 hgs Exp hgs $