Hugh Sasse's Small Systems page
This page holds information of use to people with small systems.
- The FreeDOS Project
- Seems to be being actively developed (16-MAY-2001).
was known for a while as OpenDOS.
This is an Unofficial OpenDOS Home Page,
and there is information on's opendos page.
DOS Internet Pages
is also the main[?] web site for
Bobcat, which can be had by ftp
See also
UKA_PPP, UKAW, NOS-BOX (News, Web, etc tools for DOS/windows).
There is also Tvdog's Internet Access Archive which can
be accessed by ftp at
- 0sys.
- Another small linux distro. It has spawned
- A Posix compliant Real Time OS with a GUI, that (I think) fits
on one floppy disk (1.44MB). It is free for non-commercial use.
- Contiki.
A modern operating system for the Commodore 64, Atari, and Apple ][
systems? Bring those "obsolete" machines back to life...
- The Amaiga Minix Page.
- Will run on A500 with 1MB ram, and one floppy!
- TINY Linux
is a small distribution for using on old computers.
- PeeWeeLinux.
- A small linux distribution intedned for embedded applications
- Small Linux.
- A small linux distribution (2-3 disks) from 386 machines with 3MB
or ram or more.
- Damn Small Linux.
- Linux on a business card sized CD (50MB).
- BusyBox (The old link to yields a
PHP download, and is thus inaccessible (18-NOV-2002))
small versions of Unix/Linux utilites.
- Trinux.
A small linux distribution focussing on security features.
- Needs about 4MB of disk, but needs to be built on top of linux at the
moment (02-OCT-2001).
- tomsrtbt.
- Billed as "The most GNU/Linux on 1 floppy disk.", this
concentrates on rescue and recovery features.
- Microwindows
A smalll windowing system for X or for the PC.
- QubeOS.
- A small, multi-platform, desktop environament. At the time fo
writing (26-FEB-2003) the downloads (for the various platforms, or the
multiplatform one) would fit on a 1.44MB floppy with room to spare.
- Inferno.
An operating system rather like Plan9 but for embedded systems.
- SWM - a small window manager.
SWM was written for small computer system with very little memory and
small screen sizes. It was written to speed up working with laptops
or even PDAs.
- G-Kermit
A Kermit program (for file transfer between many types of system) with
most of the extra functionality (Terminal emulation, scripting, etc) taken
out, which I think should be smaller.
goal is to encourage and facilitate the creation of open source
software for use on handheld and wearable computers.
- PDABuzz.
- YOPY a Linux PDA from Sony.
- Data Capture Handheld Ltd R.I.P..
Used to provide portable systems for data capture "in the field".
Another small business bites the dust due to cash flow problems.
- Omnibus
Produce timetable software for bus companies, so this is "a bit of a
departure" for this page.
- Mytext formerly nScribe®.
- A means of text entry for mobile devices with one "key" and
no touch-screen.
- Nomadic Research Labs.
Results of a long obsession with mobile computing :-)
- Road Warrior.
- mobile phone and computing kit, accessories...
- TIQIT computers.
- Also have a www2 site.
- MIT Wearable computing Web page.
- List of
sites on the Wearable Technology Net Ring
- This ring does not have a home page as such.
Created on 14-DEC-2000 by Hugh Sasse
Last Modified on 20-JAN-2004 by Hugh Sasse
RCS: $Id: index.html,v 1.19 2003-12-12 19:54:47+00 hgs Exp hgs $