Welcome to Shengxiang Yang's Home Page
I am now a Professor in Computational Intelligence, Director of the Centre for Computational Intelligence (CCI), and Deputy Director of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence (IAI), School of Computer Science and Informatics, De Montfort University. Before joining De Montfort University in July 2012, I worked as a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Information Systems and Computing (now Department of Computer Science), Brunel University from July 2010 to June 2012, as a Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, University of Leicester from November 2000 to June 2010, and as a Postdoctoral Research Associate within the Algorithm Design Group of the Department of Computer Science (now the Algorithms and Bioinformatics Group of the Department of Informatics), King's College London from October, 1999 to October 2000, respectively.
I received the BSc and MSc degrees in Automatic Control from the Department of Automatic Control, Northeastern University, China in July 1993 and March 1996, respectively, and the PhD degree in Systems Engineering from the Department of Systems Engineering, Northeastern University, China in March 1999 (PhD thesis: "Constraint Satisfaction Adaptive Neural Network and its Applications for Job-Shop Scheduling Problems").
My research interest covers the following areas: genetic and evolutionary computation, memetic computing, swarm intelligence (particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization), estimation of distributions algorithms, meta-heuristics and hyper-heuristics, artificial neural networks for scheduling, computational intelligence for combinatorial, multi-objective, and dynamic optimization problems, intelligent systems, bioinformatics, data mining and intelligent data analysis, network flow problems and algorithms, and relevant real-world applications.
I am a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a Member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE CIS), a Member of the IEEE CIS Intelligent Systems Applications Technical Committee (ISATC), and a Member of the IEEE CIS Evolutionary Computation Technical Committee (ECTC). I was the Founding Chair of the IEEE CIS ISATC Task Force on Intelligent Network Systems (TF-INS, 2012-2017) and the Chair of the IEEE CIS ECTC Task Force on Evolutionary Computation in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments (ECiDUE, 2011-2017).
In the 2024 Research.com Ranking of Top Scientists in Computer Science, I was ranked no. 1822 in the world and no. 103 in the UK. In the Stanford University World's Top 2% of Scientists List published on 16 September 2024, I was ranked no. 11503 in the list and ranked no. 479 out of 399,064 scientists listed in the subfield of Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing for the calendar year 2023. I was ranked no. 4,938 Overall (All Fields) and no. 4 in both Evolutionary Algorithm and Multi-objective Optimization fields as a Highly Ranked Scholar - Prior Five Years by ScholarGPS in September 2024. I am in Prof Palsberg's list of about 1,000 computer scientists with the highest H-index (widely used index of research impact).
I am a Member of the Peer Review College for the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK. I was a Member of the Faculty Research and Innovation Committee, Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Media, De Montfort University, and am now a Member of the School Research and Enterprise Committee, School of Computer Science and Informatics, De Montfort University. I co-initiated the Intelligent Systems Doctoral Programme, Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Media, De Montfort University, in October 2013.
My current contact details are as follows: Professor Shengxiang Yang Deputy Director, Institute of Artificial Intelligence (IAI) School of Computer Science and Informatics De Montfort University The Gateway Leicester LE1 9BH, United Kingdom Office: GH4.58d, Gateway House Tel: +44 116 207 8805 Fax: +44 116 207 8159 Email: syang AT dmu.ac.uk Skype: shengxiang.yang Home Page: http://www.tech.dmu.ac.uk/~syang/ Directions: How to get to De Montfort University |
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