Main Contents Page
CTEC1401 Programming in C
Quick Reference
Week 10: Pointers I
Week 11: Pointers II
Week 12: Consolidation
  1. Before the lab session read CFTTP Chapter 8.

  2. Work through the solved exercises 8.15 to 8.44 on pages 165 to 187. You should enter each program and then check the program works as described. Look at the answers given in the text to ensure that you understand how each program is behaving.

    Please note: There are many exercises here to work through but you can continue to work on them over the coming weeks. Remember that this is a very important chapter and the worked exercises provide excellent support for learning this material.

    The following weeks give you time to consolidate your learning on this module; to ensure that you have read the book up to and including Chapter 8; and that all of the exercises are up-to-date.